This is the second module of Pain Code Conversations, looking at ‘Amber’ situations and the advice you can give when concerns of misuse are identified.


  1. Identify customers who can benefit from further advice or safeguard checks
  2. Understand and explain the range of options for acute pain management and when to refer
  3. Understand best-practice discussion techniques to uncover use of analgesics, and concerns over codeine

It is important to realise that customers seeking advice for a painful condition will often be tired, irritable, or even unable to describe their symptoms. Pain can also interfere with their ability to remember and process the information given to them. Hence adapting your style of verbal communication will help with these conversations.

Click 'continue' to find out more about how to conduct AMBER conversations.

Content developed by Perrigo in association with CIG Healthcare Partnership.
© 2023 CIG Healthcare Partnership

Job number: UK/2023-221     July 2023

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